· On the Sidewalk Bleeding’ is a dramatic short story written by the very popular American writer Even Hunter. Throughout the story Hunter creates suspense using skilful presentation of characters, his thought-provoking variety of themes, the short story’s simple yet effective plot and the author’s impressive writing style and his clever use of symbolism On the Sidewalk Bleeding “On the Sidewalk Bleeding”, by Evan Hunter is a story about a boy from a gang, getting murdered in a dark alley, by members of the rival gang. It is written in the third person omniscient point of view. The story focuses on the theme of realization of one’s true identity This essay was about a key theme in the short story called ‘On the Sidewalk Bleeding’. the key theme that I chose was love. This theme is important because it. shows that there was another side to Andy, and not just the Royal side to blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
On The Sidewalk Bleeding Free Essay Sample
He reflects on his identity as a Royal gang member and how the only reason he is dying now is because of his Royals jacket. He realizes nobody really knows Andy, but they all know him as a Royal. The main focus of this story is appearance vs.
Reality can be harsh and unendurable for many, including Andy. Andy struggles to find out his true identity, so he becomes apart of a gang, known as the Royals. Guys get cut all the time in rumbles. Now they seemed like such small things in a world he was missing, a world that was rushing past at the other end of the alley.
I sometimes have problems being myself around others and struggle to fit in, so I pretend to be someone else. This makes me feel like it gives me the appearance that I fit in with society when in reality, does anyone really fit in? I sometimes spend my life doing what others want, and then I wonder later why I spent a long time focusing on that because I need to spend my one life doing what I love, not what others want me to do.
His jacket also reminds me of how some girls use makeup to cover up their true selves to appear the way they think that society will accept them.
Johnny and Andy both lost their life from an opposing gang Johnny was traumatized and scared while Andy on the other hand literally died and they both lived their lives without truly living it, appearing different to the world than how they really are.
They on the sidewalk bleeding essay accepted their death and dealt with it themselves. They live their last moments being brave, despite the pain and suffering that comes from it. But he squirmed and fought and twisted until one arm was free and then the other. This shows the impact that society has on others and how people may appear one way, but in reality are sometimes completely different than what you expect.
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On the Sidewalk Bleeding by Evan Hunter
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Short Story Essay In the Bronxs, New York, at pm, in a dark alley lies a boy, blood is pouring out of his stomach, for moments ago a knife had been driven into him and ripped across his body. In the story “On The Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter a young man named Andy regrets his choices as he’s staring death in the eyes · On the Sidewalk Bleeding’ is a dramatic short story written by the very popular American writer Even Hunter. Throughout the story Hunter creates suspense using skilful presentation of characters, his thought-provoking variety of themes, the short story’s simple yet effective plot and the author’s impressive writing style and his clever use of symbolism · Society often misjudge people because of how they look on the outside. In the story, On the Sidewalk Bleeding by Evan Hunter, shows that people presume other people’s personality by their looks. Andy, the protagonist of the story, is labeled as a bad person by most people because he is wearing a Royal Jacket. He makes the wrong choice and join the gang but he realizes too late
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