Cambridge English teaching qualifications We provide industry-leading qualifications that prove what teachers of English can do. These qualifications are mapped to the Cambridge English Teaching Framework, and support teachers every step of the way by helping them build the skills and confidence they need to teach English effectively The preparation course for the Cambridge ESOL teacher training exam, the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA), the most popular teacher training qualification. The CELTA Course is the only CELTA preparation course endorsed by Cambridge ESOL. It provides full coverage of the CELTA syllabus in a ready-to-use course Examining Writing | This volume describes the theory and practice of Cambridge ESOL's approach to assessing second language writing ability. | Stuart D. Shaw, Cyril J. Weir
Support for English language teachers and learners | Cambridge English
View related sites. We have developed a huge variety of learning materials, academic writing cambridge esol teacher support, based on research into how children learn best, so your students can improve their English both academic writing cambridge esol teacher support and outside the classroom.
We can also help your teachers keep up to date with the latest developments in English language teaching and learning, and find out everything they need to know about our exams. With the right support, learning a language is an exhilarating journey. We have everything students need to feel well prepared and give their best in their exams. We provide specific resources for each Cambridge English Qualification, plus learning activities to help your students with vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar, academic writing cambridge esol teacher support, as well as practice activities for the four main skills — reading, writing, listening and speaking.
As well as practice materials for each of our exams, we offer an extensive range of resources to help teachers give students the best possible preparation. We provide lesson plans, classroom activities, sample papers and teacher handbooks, and a monthly newsletter full of new tips, activities and exam preparation ideas.
Teachers can also discover more about teaching with technology with The Digital Teacher, where you can find tools academic writing cambridge esol teacher support help you design and deliver English language learning that truly inspires your students.
You can also find information on the Cambridge English Digital Framework — a tool that describes the key competencies for teaching effectively with technology. Cambridge English webinars are a great way for teachers to get free online professional development. They give you the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about our exams and how they are assessed. After each webinar, you get access to a full recording of the presentation, free downloadable support materials, and a certificate of attendance.
You can get regular updates and alerts about our webinars by subscribing to our webinar newsletter. Alongside Cambridge University Press, we produce the only official preparation materials for Cambridge English Qualifications, as well as a range of apps, sample papers and resources to help practise grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Fun for Starters third edition provides bright, full-colour and interactive preparation for the Young Learners exams. Fun for Movers third edition provides bright, full-colour and interactive preparation for the Young Learners exams. Fun for Academic writing cambridge esol teacher support third edition provides bright, full-colour and interactive preparation for the Young Learners exams. Objective Advanced combines thorough and systematic exam preparation with language work designed to improve students' overall English level.
This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the C2 Proficiency exam and shows how to avoid them. Do you want to find other schools across the world learning English? Penfriends will allow you to match with another school anywhere in the world, giving your students the chance to build on their English language skills. You can exchange your student's letters and cards with a school and create friendships that can last a lifetime.
Join our online community with over 10, schools in countries and help build your students' confidence today. Go to Information for preparation centres. View related sites Recognition Agents Consultancy Research Facebook Twitter YouTube LinkedIn Instagram Change Language. You are here: Cambridge English Exams and tests Cambridge English Qualifications Cambridge English Qualifications Schools Support for teachers and learners Contact your local authorised exam centre to become a preparation centre.
Contact your nearest centre. Free support for learners and their parents With the right support, learning a language is an exhilarating journey, academic writing cambridge esol teacher support. Exam preparation. Free learning activities. Information for parents. Games and social media. Support for teachers As well as practice materials for each of our exams, we offer an extensive range of resources to help teachers give students the best possible preparation.
Find resources for teachers. The Digital Teacher. Webinars for teachers Cambridge English webinars are a great way for teachers to get free online professional development.
Official exam preparation materials Alongside Cambridge University Press, we produce the only official preparation materials for Cambridge English Qualifications, as well as a range of apps, sample papers and resources to help practise grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Fun for Starters Fun for Starters third edition provides bright, full-colour and interactive preparation for the Young Learners exams.
Buy book. Fun for Movers Fun for Movers third edition provides bright, full-colour and interactive preparation for the Young Learners exams. Fun for Flyers Academic writing cambridge esol teacher support for Flyers third edition provides bright, full-colour and interactive preparation for the Young Learners exams. Complete Key for Schools Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for A2 Key for Schools.
Find out more. Compact Preliminary for Schools Fast, focused exam preparation for B1 Preliminary for Schools. Complete First for Schools Complete First for Schools is the most thorough preparation for B2 First for Schools. Objective Advanced Objective Advanced combines thorough and systematic exam preparation with language work designed to improve students' overall English level.
Common Mistakes at Proficiency This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the C2 Proficiency exam and shows how to avoid them.
See more official exam preparation materials View the full range of support materials for Cambridge English Qualifications. See more. Join our international community Do you want to find other schools across the world learning English? Join Penfriends. Do you already offer Cambridge English Qualifications at your school? We use cookies. By continuing to use this website you are giving your consent for us to set cookies Dismiss.
Tip 2 for teaching English online: Supporting the whole class
, time: 2:52Teaching Academic Writing To ESL Students - iWriteEssays

Our English-teaching qualifications, professional development materials, and teaching resources are based on in-depth research. With our unrivalled depth of experience in national education systems, international education and English language learning, we are trusted by governments, schools and teachers around the world to improve learning outcomes for students Support for teachers. As well as practice materials for each of our exams, we offer an extensive range of resources to help teachers give students the best possible preparation. We provide lesson plans, classroom activities, sample papers and teacher handbooks, and a monthly newsletter full of new tips, activities and exam preparation ideas Sep 22, · English as a Second Language Learning Outcomes. Using research-based approaches and best practices, graduates of the ESL master’s degree will be ready to apply effective teaching strategies that support the linguistic and academic development of students for whom English is a second language
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